I figure since we all spend so much of this time of year in the kitchen who wouldn't want a new apron or oven mitts. Might as well be stylish. Check out these sew cute ideas and share your own!
I have decided that all mommies and grandmas should have a super stylish and sexy apron to adorn while cooking and baking. We spend so much time in there anyways and I loath how my current apron feels and looks. Sew yourself one or make one for your family, heck even your neighbors. Some cute ideas to doll up your apron may be tulle trimmed with satin ribbon, rick rack, hanging beads or pom poms, and all kids of trims. I think I will be making a combination of a bunch of these aprons! Just re-size any of the patterns for girls too.

This is a pretty simple to sew apron but has some style, not too basic. I think even beginner sewers could make it. I am going to call this one the rectangle apron since its made with rectangles. Check out the Tutorial from Amy Hearts It!

I really like retro style clothing. I bought a bunch of patterns a while ago, but haven't found the time to make them yet. Maybe I will start small with this retro apron. Its reversible too so that is a bonus! Check out the tutorial from Sew4Home.

This cute creation is not a pattern or tutorial, but could easily be recreated using the retro top design above and the ruffled apron tutorial below. I could still be reversible, but it may get a little bulky. Designed by Cutelycovered.

Ruffles without all the frill. This is for the girl that is chic, but not too girly. If she got married in a "cupcake" dress I think this might be a little too simple, girl it up for her. 10 steps is all this one takes, the measurements are metric so use an online converter if you need help. The fabric choices are amazing. Check out the tutorial from Spotlight.

This is probably the smartest idea I have come across, put hot pads in your apron! It makes it so much easier when cooking, especially in bulk. One of the best tips to apply this to any apron is to make sure your apron is long enough. She uses Insu-Brite lining, but many readers just used white store bought oven mits. Make he cute half apron or add her ideas to your own. Check out the amazing tutorial from The Mother Hurdle.

Sew4Home also has this cute tutorial for a Citrus Holiday apron. I really like the big bow, but perhaps it might get dipped in a few too many things as I lean over instead I would place it at the waist and a couple rings at the neck so it adjusts.

This is a cute and unique apron. i live the look of the crossover carried the who way. Good tutorial with lots of pictures from Italiano Kitchen.
Mary Janes Farm has this cute Christmas apron tutorial. I really like the length and the wide tie. Its not too girly and very simple to sew this is a good one for mass producing as gifts.
For the kids and husband:

My mom has an apron similar to this that my kids wear all the time. Hers is worn and almost see through, maybe a new one is in order. I think this is a good update to a very simplistic and functional child's apron. You could easily make this for a boy as well. I think this would stay on so much better than the tie in the back aprons that my kids use. The length is also good for those little climbers so they will not trip. Check out the tutorial from Smashed Peas and Carrots.

I think most girls have 18" dolls now days that tag along everywhere. This is a really cute and simple idea. Great for your little girl to give to her friends for Christmas. This tutorial is by Make it Do.
Micheal Miller has this apron pattern that is great for boys, I would make it reversible and maybe add some rivets like the mans BBQ one below. Fabric choice is key for boys items, avoid pastels.

This is a good manly apron. I like the rivet details and the large pockets that can fit the BBQ needs. Check out the tutorial from Sew4Home.
Oven Mittens & Hot Pads

Folding Heart Oven Mitts, what a fun and functional idea. These would be very simple to make and would go great with an apron as a gift. Check out the tutorial from leafy treetop spot.

Scrappy pot holders are a great way to use the left over scraps we all save. This is a simple tutorial from Sew Mama Sew.

Simple oven mitt tutorial that stitches most of it before you even cut out the pattern. I love the fabric choices as well. Check out this tutorial from Skip to my Lou.

Folding Snowman Mitts are cute and festive. I think that I would simplify them a little by just appliqueing the nose on. Tutorial brought to you by The Idea Room.
Over the handle 2 hands mitt. This is a good idea especially if you are short on space. It looks cute and is totally functional. Shelly's Sewing Shrapnel brings this tutorial.
Insulated Casserole Dish Cover

2 little hooligans has a good tutorial to make a casserole dish cover. I love the spoon spot too, because all too often you show up and no one brought serving utensils There are a couple other blogs with alterations and changes check them out too: Our Seven Dwarfs and homemade By Jill.

If you have round casserole dishes this is the tutorial for you. Find the tutorial here by Dixie Doodles.
Bowl Covers
This is on my must make list, especially for the lady I nanny at. Make them to fit the bowls you have and the best part is no more tin foil or plastic wrap that doesn't stay on. you could make these out of oilcloth, laminated cotton, and PUL. Get the tutorial from My Itty Bitty Quilts. I want to show up with some of these at my next party!
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